RASTIN TEJARAT BARMAN, under the brand name of "ARMANCO," operates in the field of commerce and consultancy for chemical raw materials, utilizing experienced personnel. With the support of its management's experience, the company has been established as a distributor of chemical raw materials such as additives, resins, pigments and solvents for paint, coating and construction chemicals. In a short period, we have managed to sign contracts with companies from Europe, India, and China.
Import Armanco
RASTIN TEJARAT BARMAN, under the brand name of "ARMANCO," operates in the field of commerce and consultancy for chemical raw materials, utilizing experienced personnel. With the support of its management's experience, the company has been established as a distributor of chemical raw materials such as additives, resins, pigments and solvents for paint, coating and construction chemicals. In a short period, we have managed to sign contracts with companies from Europe, India, and China.
Facilities and Advantages:
- Providing high-quality materials along with after-sales services.
- Ability to combine orders from multiple customers to reduce overall costs.
- Offering proforma from Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey, along with the supply of raw materials in Tehran's warehouse.
- Exclusive representation from Europe, India, and China.
- Collaboration with well-equipped, extensive, and committed warehouses.
Perspective and Values:
- Honesty: Given that the business process always faces unpredictable challenges, honesty is a key element of our activities In order to establish effective mutual communication with business partners.
- Fairness: Considering the economic conditions and international crises, the company consistently strives to work on the best quality.
- Precision and Speed: Alongside maximum accuracy, we always aim to provide our goods and services in the shortest possible time.
- Cooperation and Solidarity: Given the difficulties in the production sector, it is our duty to use maximum flexibility in supplying goods and providing services with our business partners.
Pursuing of organizational goals, the company's perspective has always been to uphold its values, and fortunately, we attribute our credibility to adhering to these values in our dealings with business partners.